Sunday 27 January 2013

Review: Lush Cosmetics Face Masks

I was recently given a hamper of bath goodies from my best friend, being the Lush maniac I am! An item which I was particularly interested in was the 'Cupcake' face mask, used to prevent oily, teenage skin and calm breakouts. I personally don't think Lush's face masks look that appealing, neither do they smell that appetizing. However, I can not fault the product itself. Some face masks, I find, look and smell amazing but don't do what they say on the label, unlike Lush face masks. Whilst shopping in Covent Garden yesterday I popped into Lush to view their other range of face masks. A very helpful lady offered that we could test a sample of 'Love Lettuce' on our hand. After 5 minutes, it was washed off, and the difference between the other hand was unbelievable. My skin looked re-vitalised and so much more healthy. I thought to myself, if my hand looks fantastic, what will my skin look like? I had to purchase some. After using both masks a few times now, I am very happy with the results. They work a treat!

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