Wednesday 16 January 2013

A Friendly Greeting

Hello my name is Lily and if you haven't already noticed, I am a new Blogger! Before I come to terms with this website inside and out, I would like to use this post as a way of introducing myself - a friendly greeting. I'll try my very hardest not to bore you, being a well known chatterbox! I am 13 years old, but I don't think my age is a disadvantage. If I'm honest, I'm a wise head on young shoulders, more like 13 going on 30! Saying this, I have a childish streak in me too, I mean, don't we all? I am a huge Disney fanatic! Florida has always felt like a second home to me, simply from holidaying there at a young age, and I guess that's where it all kind of started. I love baking and cooking, I get such a thrill out of it and couldn't think of a lovelier way to spend the weekend. Another big part of my life is fashion and beauty, be sure to find many posts on these in the future! I am also very passionate about writing, it sort of comes naturally to me I suppose. I will start how I mean to go on and try to post a minimum of one blog per week. I hope my very first post made you smile, and keep an eye for more to come!

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