Monday 4 February 2013

Spilled Water by Sally Grindley

I have always loved English and used to read lots but as I moved to secondary school I am ashamed to admit my love for books kind of faded. Before I turn this into an utterly cheesy, deep story I am basically trying to say I have returned to my old hobby and have been getting into a few stories lately. One of my favourites is 'Spilled Water' by Sally Grindley. The story is about a little girl born in China who is sold as a domestic servant in order to earn some money for her beloved mother and brother. I have yet to complete the book, but so far I have fell in love with the story and haven't been able to put it down. I've enjoyed Sally Grindley's writing so much I have recently ordered another of her book's 'Bitter Chocolate' and cannot wait to read that. I would love to hear about any recommended books or authors you think are worth having a look at!

1 comment:

  1. hiya, you commented on my post asking if i'd like to follow and you'd follow back and we could work together and I'd love to. My blog is and to contact me you can email me at lovely blog btw, can't wait to here from you xx
